Monday, 23 April 2007

Flying fish and the happy world of saline…

What a cool weekend! For once it didn’t fly by – probably something to do with the fact I didn’t have to sleep off a horrible hangover for a change!

On Friday night we were supposed to go to Flying fish with some friends but one of them was ill. My boy and I decided, "what the hell? Lets go anyway! We deserve it."
Man that was a good decision. The food was beautiful, the service excellent and the toilets less scary then last time I was there (instead of the glass being clear and only going opaque when you lock the door, the glass is now always opaque. Less cool but also less fear inducing. For those fans of Coupling, you’ll know what I mean when I say that it is now possible to declench!). We had a really great time. Because we ate late we got a beautiful table right near the window looking out on the Harbour Bridge and the Balmain Peninsula. Twas lovely. I am raving and I don’t even touch fishes!

On Saturday I woke up in anticipation of my most interesting “Belated Birthday Surprise” TM. I only had one clue – it was in Bondi Junction. I was happy when I discovered this as it ruled out most extreme sports and the Harbour Bridge climb (not quite ready for that experience yet. I’ll get there!) . It turned out that my “Belated Birthday Surprise” TM was an hour in a Float Tank followed by a full body massage! Hooray for my lovely boy! The girls at the gym will be very jealous! The float tank was a bit freaky initially but I soon warmed to the experience (once I worked out where to put my arms) and I would definitely do it again! Its cool bobbing around in Epsom salts in a dark box - Who would have thought it? It made for one happy girl. Who says you need ecstasy to go all happy and floppy? I was a bit concerned though when I found myself playing with my face in public. Were there drugs in that saline solution? Did I ingest them through my pores?

Saturday night we went to "The Minger Household" and partook of some yummy stirfry. I never thought I would see Gidget cook a meal for 4! We then spent several hours playing this silly but fun playstation game called the “Buzz music quiz” . I did not win. I think we were keen to play quiz games after our triumphant sweep of the quiz at the Gladstone park hotel on Wednesday. We won over $70 worth of bevies! We rock.

Sunday was spent sleeping, reading (Jodi Piccoult – 19 Minutes – a great read but quite chilling given the recent Virginia Tech incident), Watching Men Behaving Badly (not actual boys in my loungeroom but the DVD “Sofa Sofa Sofa Sofa Sofa Sofa”) and eating takeaway.
All in all, the perfect weekend!

Wednesday, 18 April 2007

blessings and abundance...

Just reading my lovely friend J's blog and I was feeling really proud of her even though she has some tough choices to make.
I decided to make a note to myself to remind myself of my many blessings: -

The important things in my life...

To be well, to have a family who I love and who would do anything to help me, to have someone I love to wake up next to every morning, to have friends that care about me and that I care about.

To have somewhere nice to live and abundant food, to be able to read and travel the world in my head, to be able to visit my friends and family in far off places, to be able to speak my mind without fear.

To have choices.

To be able to work in an industry which is "entertaining" but terribly important.
To have many and varied reasons to laugh.

I am one lucky girly girl xxxxxxxxxxxx

Monday, 16 April 2007

The boys at work...

Thought this was a cool pic of the lads which I nabbed from the SMH...

Happy days and mingers of abduction...

I had a lovely relaxed weekend. I have been helping out my friend Krystal doing some alterations for her upcoming show at Belvoir St, Anna in the Tropics. Check it out if you get the chance .
I went up there today in my lunch break and her set is looking cool. It’s a very small theatre downstairs at Belvoir so it’s all very up close and personal.

Then I had some lovely friends over for dinner on Saturday. It was funny because time seemed to pass very slowly – probably because dinner was ready before 9pm for a change! It was so nice to spend a day cooking and hanging about with only minimal sewing for a change!

Then we went for breakfast at the Gallery in Annandale on Sunday. I think I would have appreciated this more if I had consumed less wine on Saturday evening but it was still lovely. My bro left for America on Sunday so it was a bit of a good bye breakfast. Looking forward to having him back in June and in a happier place too.

Last night I lounged in front of the TV (with NO sewing! hooray!) and watched an amusing and not to serious swashbuckling adventure "The abduction club". There were a few horrid mingers in it I can tell you (watch the sarcasm dribble from my lips...) mmmm. boys in breeches.

An amusing aside, The Chaser did a take off of Woman last week and who should my bro run into in the Cricketers the next evening but one of the guys, in fact, the one who was playing him! The Chaser guy was very apologetic until my bro told him how funny it was and how spot on they were! Hahaha!

Friday, 13 April 2007

Pierre Carlet de Chamblain de Marivaux and the extravagant pink dancing flamingos

I didn’t keep up my resolution to do a review of every play I went to see.
That is because obviously I am a bit crap and I was tired.

I went to see a play on Tuesday and didn’t tell anyone about it!

It was again at NIDA (hey – we get in free ok?)
It was called “The Game of Love and Chance” by Pierre Carlet de Chamblain de Marivaux, (yeah.. him…) translated by David Clendinning and directed by Aubrey Mellor who I worked with last year on “Hamlet”.
Basically it was fabulous. The cast was great, the direction was wonderful, the set was beautiful, the frocks were extraordinary (well done Jude and Gabby), my blue coat looked pretty good (better then expected actually), I laughed a lot and there were puppeteered flamingos. Basically what more could you hope for from a night at the theatre?

This is the official NIDA blurb: Marivaux is considered one of the great masters of the analysis of love in French theatre, and the thrilling pursuit of desires is played out in this sparkling jewel of the French classical theatre. With set and costume designs inspired by Art Nouveau style and artists such as Gustav Klimt, The Game of Love and Chance is an exploration of ludicrous eccentricity, folly and romance.

If you ask for my comment, I agree! Many stars!

Thursday, 12 April 2007

Oh to live under a rock...

Do you ever feel like some days not only should you not get out of bed but you certainly shouldn’t talk. When nothing you say comes out right and only seems to make things worse then they already are.

Usually on these kind of days, hiding under a rock seems like a better alternative to work, family, friends… life really.

No matter what your good intentions, sometimes things just go wrong. And you can’t do anything about it. No amount of wishing and hoping and trying can make things better.

I hate it when people I love are hurting and I can’t fix it.

Tuesday, 3 April 2007

KJ proves why bigger is not always better...

My boy and I went to see another show at NIDA last night, Chekov’s The Three Sisters directed by Kevin Jackson. It was definitely the best presentation of a Chekov play I have seen done at NIDA in the 4 years I have been going to plays there. The actors were all excellent – no one let the show down. The costumes were elegant and appropriate and showed that simple is often better. The silhouettes of the three girls in particular were really stunning– very stark and pared down. I really loved the way KJ made innovative use of the studio (which is actually a TV/Sound studio, not a performance space). I had never noticed the curtains in there before but he used them to beautiful effect. Again the absence of a “set” actually added to the show giving it a beautiful simplicity. It was one of those productions that made you view a classic play in a new fresh light. I loved it!!! It really cheered up an otherwise miserable day. xx

Sunday, 1 April 2007

Hard Rock and hard living

The party was cool! People at least recognised who I was meant to be! Elvis arrived first and children eating at the hard rock thought she was an entertainer! HA! We had a fun time and the Hard Rock staff said that we were the best effort they had seen in a long time. Anyway, a picture tells a thousand words so... BTW these photos were taken BEFORE I started drinking! I was channelling Courtney (even though I am much fatter then her)...