What I hate about the flu:
- Sniffling
- Snot
- Dumb sore throat
- fevers that make you feel like you are going to collapse when you walk up the stairs
- no tastebuds (that one REALLY sux)
- blotchy head
- horrid sinus infection that came along with it, although at least I got antibiotics for that one
- not being able to go to the gym thus sabotaging my exercise routine.
- The expense of lemsips, antibiotics, strepsils, panadol and the doctors appointment (who told me I had the flu and identified the sinus infection but couldn't do much about it)
Other then having the flu though, life is pretty good at the moment. I am finally feeling like I have a little idea where my life is headed in the next 12 months and that is making me giddy with relief!
What is making me happy at the moment : (thanks for the pollyanna moment DV - thought I might have my own...)
- less pirates today
- feeling like the flu is almost gone
- I'm going to trivia tonight and I know the answer to the homework question
- Its nearly the weekend
- I am doing a new creative writing class on Saturday
- My boy has finally finished NIDA and is starting to get PAID work!
- My show is finally on stage
- Having my first opening night at the Opera House (with only one costume malfunction - shoe flew off! Not my fault!)
- That my boss and supervisor are happy with my work and my contract has been extended
- They are giving me a permanent job come January
- My next show has less pink flowers in it
- Its not too long till Dr Scruff comes back again
- My mum is hopefully moving home in December
- I'm finally feeling like sewing again (although I have no space to do it!)
- I'm gonna eat some wedges with sour cream and damn the calories!