Monday, 16 April 2007

Happy days and mingers of abduction...

I had a lovely relaxed weekend. I have been helping out my friend Krystal doing some alterations for her upcoming show at Belvoir St, Anna in the Tropics. Check it out if you get the chance .
I went up there today in my lunch break and her set is looking cool. It’s a very small theatre downstairs at Belvoir so it’s all very up close and personal.

Then I had some lovely friends over for dinner on Saturday. It was funny because time seemed to pass very slowly – probably because dinner was ready before 9pm for a change! It was so nice to spend a day cooking and hanging about with only minimal sewing for a change!

Then we went for breakfast at the Gallery in Annandale on Sunday. I think I would have appreciated this more if I had consumed less wine on Saturday evening but it was still lovely. My bro left for America on Sunday so it was a bit of a good bye breakfast. Looking forward to having him back in June and in a happier place too.

Last night I lounged in front of the TV (with NO sewing! hooray!) and watched an amusing and not to serious swashbuckling adventure "The abduction club". There were a few horrid mingers in it I can tell you (watch the sarcasm dribble from my lips...) mmmm. boys in breeches.

An amusing aside, The Chaser did a take off of Woman last week and who should my bro run into in the Cricketers the next evening but one of the guys, in fact, the one who was playing him! The Chaser guy was very apologetic until my bro told him how funny it was and how spot on they were! Hahaha!


Mz. B.Trousers said...

Sounds like The Fun!
Wanna do some sewing this weekend?

Mousicles said...

Abduction Club was amusing. The latest Robin Hood which was on before it was just awful.

DV said...

a lovely weekend indeed

Miss Jimmy said...

I thought the Robin hood was pretty appalling too! But he was a bit of a spunkrat!!!