Wednesday, 23 May 2007

The Wolfies, a skinny blonde and the jolly green giant…

Yes, We went to the Shrek premiere last night courtesy of my bro. It was cool! We were in the line outside wearing stupid paper crowns (invitations…) and they stopped the queue right in front of me. And who should step out of the approaching limo but Cameron herself! 1 metre from my face! She is one slim girl. This worried me slightly as she looks normally slim in magazines, not celery stick skinny. How skinny must Victoria Beckham be? She looks scary in the magazines!?!?! Cameron looked like she was having fun though, even though she was wearing a slip of a thing in the middle of Sydney winter. And she looked healthy so I guess that’s good!
The film was great! We decided to forgo the snack bar only to find that as you entered the cinema they offered you a buffet of free snackage all of the shrek-themed variety. There were shreks bacon balls (not green) shreks cheese sticks (twisties) and some kind of shrek custard (not wanting to know which part of shrek that comes out of…). YAY for free food.
We still had no idea how Mylo had wangled free tix, until the exciting moment in the film when the baddies attack the city and “Joker and the Thief” rang out through the cinema! We were very excited! GO WOLFIES! We had to stay till the end credits to see their names.


Mz. B.Trousers said...

That's hilarious! I can't wait to see it!

Cozalcoatl said...

Cool, want to see it soon.

I was trying to talk Amanda into bringing me back a Cat Mummy while she is in Egypt. She said the place is he going to was know as Lycopolis in the Greco-Roman times because of the cache of Wolf Mummies found.She will attempt to smuggle one out. Think Miles would like one too?