What I hate about the flu:
- Sniffling
- Snot
- Dumb sore throat
- fevers that make you feel like you are going to collapse when you walk up the stairs
- no tastebuds (that one REALLY sux)
- blotchy head
- horrid sinus infection that came along with it, although at least I got antibiotics for that one
- not being able to go to the gym thus sabotaging my exercise routine.
- The expense of lemsips, antibiotics, strepsils, panadol and the doctors appointment (who told me I had the flu and identified the sinus infection but couldn't do much about it)
Other then having the flu though, life is pretty good at the moment. I am finally feeling like I have a little idea where my life is headed in the next 12 months and that is making me giddy with relief!
What is making me happy at the moment : (thanks for the pollyanna moment DV - thought I might have my own...)
- less pirates today
- feeling like the flu is almost gone
- I'm going to trivia tonight and I know the answer to the homework question
- Its nearly the weekend
- I am doing a new creative writing class on Saturday
- My boy has finally finished NIDA and is starting to get PAID work!
- My show is finally on stage
- Having my first opening night at the Opera House (with only one costume malfunction - shoe flew off! Not my fault!)
- That my boss and supervisor are happy with my work and my contract has been extended
- They are giving me a permanent job come January
- My next show has less pink flowers in it
- Its not too long till Dr Scruff comes back again
- My mum is hopefully moving home in December
- I'm finally feeling like sewing again (although I have no space to do it!)
- I'm gonna eat some wedges with sour cream and damn the calories!
Hooray for betterness! wondered what had happened to you.
Hooray for feeling better, and grats to Mr Nick!
Real jobs! Woot! So proud of you!
Just wanted to let you know I just discovered your blog. I'm about to start NIDA and it's great to read about the everyday life of someone whose come out the other side. :)
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