Wednesday, 28 March 2007

Laughing and sewing

Its been an ok week considering its miserable start.

DV and I went to see my favourite man/sex god (other then my boy) Dylan Moran on Monday night. We had the best seats right up the front and I laughed so hard my tummy still hurt yesterday. I especially liked the diatribe against vegetarians (and nippy squirrels). I also liked the beautiful pink marshmellow creation that some loving fan (not us) left at the beginning of the show. His thoughts on fruit were also marvellous. He rocks my world.

Yesterday I went to NIDA after work to do a bit of late night sewing with my lovely friends Jude and Gabby. I am making a jazzy coat for their show which is on in early April. Its looking quite cool - very blue and has a bit of a kick at the back. I am happy enough with it so far. I just need to finish it! (where does all the time go? I will be nude at festival at this rate!) It was wierd sewing in the gleaming new workshop. The new first years working on their show seem very cute but frighteningly young. I like watching Jude trying to be a hard woman and failing desperately. I also liked that they fed me pizza.

Tonight I am going to the opening night of "The Wood Demon" which is going to be a lot less exciting then the name suggests (although I am partial to a bit of Chekov). My boy is the Stage Manager and the Sound Designer for this production which has resulted in a challenging month or two for him (and me!) but I am very proud of him that he has made it to opening night without hurting anyone or himself (designers beware!!!). He is a clever bunny! I do think though that "The Wood Demon" may be the end of his stage management career. Hooray!

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