Thursday, 29 March 2007

The Wood Demon and the curse of the Regent...

I went to see the show and it was nice! A very sweet early Chekov. I haven't seen or read much of his really early work before and I enjoyed how it was very clearly a portrait of the writer as a young man, but also how he was already exploring the themes on which he builds in Vanya and Seagull. Other punters were describing it as a "happy Chekov". Interesting when one of the main characters shoots himself and another is doomed to life in an unhappy and unsuitable marriage. I found it very bittersweet. I actually really enjoyed the actors who were playing older characters - for a change. There were a few really strong performances there which made it a nice evening. Costumes were sweet but dull. Yawn. The sound was fantastic (clever boy!).

After the show we partook of a few more free NIDA drinks but they booted us out pretty sharpish so we wandered down to the Reg and proceeded to drink on. Bad plan. I wish my brain would learn that drinking on a school night is a bad idea! I did have fun though - lovely to see Jake who is back from working in London. Also nice to see the kiddies in my boy's class. YAY!

Felt very bad today though!

Had a nice surprise at lunchtime when I was returning my car to the house - Ran into Gwyd who works at the guitar shop near me. I miss Gwyd and Cressie. I wish they still lived near me.

Am only just starting to feel human....

1 comment:

harry said...

I know I´m not commentingon the right post,but here´s a tie in: when Chevok swore off those destructive-to-body-image glossy magazines, he realised he could go to and see it all on the web with harsh commentary to boot.